Best Advice In Life

Anyone Who Ignores Instructions, Despises Himself.

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GOD’S Time Is The Best For Us.

God has a time for everything and His time is always the best for
us. We should always wait for God’s time if we want to succeed in life,
be joyful and be saved. We are facing all such of trouble today because
we are not waiting for God’s time. To know God’s time, you must know His
word in the Holy Bible, do and live in the word. When you do this, you
will know God’s time.

Let me give you a perfect example of God’s time concerning sex.
God’s time for us to have sex is after married, and it should be only
between Husband and Wife.

Glory to God the Almighty for His time is the best for us.

Thank you Lord for Thy time in our lives in Jesus’ Name.


JESUS Is Aware Of Your Situation.

I am here today to tell you that JESUS is perfectly aware of your situation. Whatever situation you are facing today whether sickness, sorrow, hardship, poverty, injustice, persecution, trials etc; know that JESUS knows your situation perfectly and HE is aware of it perfectly. But let your situation not lead you to sin against GOD.
However, if your situation has led you to sin, repent and believe in GOD.

Remember what Job in the Bible did in his own situation. In his situation of hardship, sickness, poverty and in short, when he lost everything including his children. He did not allow all these to make him sin against GOD because he knows that JESUS was aware of his situation perfectly that is why he said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised”. In all these, Job did not sin by charging GOD with wrong doing. But remember, it was not the LORD who took away what Job had but it was the devil.

These show us that Job praised GOD in every situation of his life whether in time of success, joy, prosperity, poverty, hardship, sickness, trials etc. He was praising, worshiping and glorifying GOD in every situation he found himself in.

Job is a perfect example for us today as we live in this world full of all such of troubles, calamities, trials, persecutions etc.

Today, we complain a lot when we find ourselves in temptations, disasters, trials, hardships, persecutions etc. We start asking GOD questions and some will say why me? Why me? Why me? Others will ask GOD that why did HE allow such calamity or troubles to come to them? But when they are prospering in their businesses, careers and in their lives; and also when they are happy, joyful and comfortable; they will not ask GOD why do you allow me to be happy, to be joyful, to be comfortable, to be prosperous in my business, my career, my marriage and my life? They will not ask GOD these questions when things are okay with them. But when trails, temptations and troubles come, they start questioning GOD and asking HIM questions and charging HIM with wrong doing. Be very careful let your situation not make you speak against GOD or HIS servants. However, if your situation has made you to sin against GOD, don’t run away from HIM. Go to HIM. HE loves you and cares a lot for you.

We should learn from Job and praise, worship and glorify GOD in whatever situation we find ourselves in. GOD knows your situation perfectly and HE is aware of it perfectly; and HE will not leave you without a solution to your situation. But be very careful that your situation does not lead you to sin. Job did not allow his situation to lead him to sin because he knows GOD was aware of his situation. Also, Job knows who GOD is.

If GOD is aware of your situation, that is already a solution to your situation. GOD knowing your problem is a solution to your problem already. HE just want you to act on the WORD. Just do what the WORD OF GOD says.

Job knows who GOD is. HE is the GOD of the Universe, the Alpha and the Omega, the GOD who never fails, the GOD who no one can deliver from HIS hands, the GOD who is the beginning and the end, the GOD who work and no one can hinder, the GOD who say ‘No’ and no one can say ‘Yes’, the GOD who say ‘Yes’ and no one can say ‘NO’, the GOD and Father of our LORD JESUS. This is the GOD who is aware of your problems or situations.

Why are you worried or complaining!!!! GOD knows your situation and HE will not leave you without a solution to your situation. Just do what the WORD says. Just act on the WORD.

Glorify the name of the Almighty GOD forever no matter the situation you find yourself in. Thank you JESUS for knowing our situations.



It’s Time To Know Love.

Do you know that JESUS CHRIST is LOVE? 

Do you know that HE loves you more than you can ever love yourself?

Do you know that HE is bigger than all your problems, persecutions and challenges?

Do you know that HE never compares you with someone else?

Do you know that you are unique to HIM?

Do you know that HE relates to you as though you are the only one that exists?

Do you know that HE’s never tired of you?

Do you know that HE came on earth because of you?

Glory to GOD ALMIGHTY. How can anyone know this and contemplate
suicide? Just take time and think about the questions above.It doesn’t
matter how much debt you owe, or the crises that seem to have
overwhelmed you; if you’d only embrace the message of JESUS CHRIST and
HIS Liquid Love, things will change. You may have so made a mess of your
life, that now, all you see are your mistakes and their repercussions.
But you see, you’re the reason JESUS came; you’re the reason HE was
born, HE came to take responsibility for your wrongs, including your
financial errors. If only you’d accept HIS Love! 

We’re talking about someone who is the CREATOR of the whole universe
and the CREATOR of all things.HE is so powerful, and HE is power
HIMSELF. HE is so loving, and HE is love HIMSELF. HE is so gracious, and
HE is grace HIMSELF. No error or mistakes is ever too much for HIM to
handle.HE is bigger than your troubles. If you’d only believe this;
it’ll change everything for you. Dare to believe HIM, and accept that HE
loves you more than you love yourself, and HE’ll beautify your life;
HE’ll make you ride on the high places of the earth. Praise GOD! Thank
You Precious LORD JESUS, You came for me. Thank You LORD for love me so
much more than I can ever think of. 

I now invite you to make JESUS CHRIST the LORD of your life if you
haven’t done so by praying thus with all your heart (spirit):

GOD the ALMIGHTY, I believe with all my heart in JESUS CHRIST, Your SON.
I believe HE died for me, HE died for my sins and YOU raised HIM from
the dead. I believe HE’S alive today and because of HIM, I live. I
confess with my mouth that JESUS is the LORD of my life from this day. I
receive Your gift of Eternal Life into my Spirit. Thank YOU LORD for
saving my soul. Thank YOU LORD for Thy Salvation in JESUS’ NAME.”

If you have done so with all your heart; Congratulation! Now, you are
a Child of GOD and no one can curse or bewitch you. You have the LOVE
of GOD in You. So, live for HIM alone and celebrate HIM in everyday of
your life. Study HIS WORD and make it the standard for your life. Make
it your check system. Look for a Living Church and fellowship with them.
The HOLY SPIRIT will help you. Thank You so much Precious HOLY SPIRIT
for your Glorious WORD today and always in JESUS’ NAME. Amen!!! 

This is our message to the world; that they may know of CHRIST’S LOVE for them. 

The Last Hour.

My dear parents, brothers, sisters and friends; it is the last hour; we are now at the last days; and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come e.g. ISIS, all false teaching, all those who denies the FATHER (GOD) and the SON (JESUS) etc. No one who denies the SON has the FATHER. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. Glory to GOD for making us know the last days.

If you haven’t make JESUS CHRIST the LORD of your life, I now invite you to make Him the LORD of your life by praying thus with all your heart (Spirit):

“O LORD GOD the ALMIGHTY, I believe with all my heart in JESUS CHRIST, Your SON. I believe He died for me, He died for my sins and YOU raised Him from the dead. I believe He’s alive today and because of Him, I live. I confess with my mouth that JESUS is the LORD of my life from this day. I receive Your gift of Eternal Life into my Spirit.

Thank YOU LORD for saving my soul. Thank YOU LORD for Thy Salvation in JESUS’ NAME.”


If you have done so with all your heart; Congratulation!

Now, you are a Child of GOD and you have the Love of GOD in You. So, live for Him alone and celebrate Him in everyday of your life. Study His Word and make it the standard for your life. Make it your check system. Look for a Living Church and fellowship with them. The HOLY SPIRIT will help you.


Do You Want To See Good Days?

If you love life and want to see good days then do the following:

Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking quile; and turn away from evil and do right; seek peace and pursue it.

For example: Don’t say, ” I’m weak, I’m poor, I’m stupid, I’m having a bad day or I’m having a terrible day.” Instead say, “I’m strong, I’m healthy, I’m intelligent, I’m having a great day, I’m having a joyous day; and I’m doing great and joyous things always.” If you speak good and gracious words to yourself, that’s how your life will be.

If you can speak good and gracious words to yourself then you will do the same to others.

GOD bless you.



Good Endowment

My dear, do not be deceived. Every good endowment and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the FATHER of Lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. Of HIS own will HE brought us forth by the Word of Truth that we should be a kind of first fruits of HIS creature.

JESUS loves you very more and cares for you. Believe in HIM.


Warning To All.

Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by GOD”; for GOD cannot be tempted with evil and HE HIMSELF tempts no one; but each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.

Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin; and sin when it is full-grow brings forth death.

GOD loves you so much and cares for you.

Blessed be GOD forever.


The Love Of Money.

My dear friends, keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have; for the LORD GOD has said, “I will never fail you nor forsake you.” Hence we can confidently say,

“The LORD is my helper,

I will not be afraid;

what can man do to me?”

Money is good but the love of money is the root of all evil. The love of money is what has led people to do all such of evil like betrayer, murder, treason etc.
Be wise and act wisely.

Never deny JESUS.

Do not deny JESUS. No matter the persecution you face in this world, never deny HIM. Hold on to your faith forever just as Stephen in the Bible who held on to his faith till death. This led him to eternal life.

My dear, when you meet various trials, count it all joy. For the LORD will never fail you nor forsake you.

For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

GOD loves you and HE is with you always.

Glory to GOD.


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